Week 1&2: Introduction to Your Position
I have the pleasure of spending my spring semester working for Boutier Winery in Madison County, Ga. I will meet with my supervisor, Victor Boutier, once a week to check in and establish weekly to-dos, and I will spend the week accomplishing those tasks remotely. During my time as Boutier winery’s social media and communication intern, I will be responsible for creating a new and updated website, creating and posting content for various social media platforms, and updating physical promotional and informational fliers in the winery. My success will be determined by increase in social media follows, likes, and shares as well as being consistent with posting and responding to comments and messages.
I am most looking forward to creating Boutier’s website because I really enjoy the creative freedom that Victor gives me. Another reason I am most excited for this aspect is because the current website for the winery is, for lack of a better word, awful. User experience online is something that is really noticeable and important to me, and the UX on Boutier’s current website is dreadful. Likewise, the design of the website is much less than ideal. Design is something that I love and feel naturally proficient at. Victor agrees with me that the website is in need of some TLC, so it helps how supportive and trusting he is of me.
As far as worries I have in relation to my preparedness, I feel overwhelmed by the fact that there are no hard deadlines given to me by Victor. I will have to be very self disciplined to stay consistent with my posting across multiple platforms. It is very helpful though that Victor has a lot of faith in my abilities and is always willing to work with me and help me. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to grow my design, interpersonal, and digital skills.
During my first two weeks as Boutier’s social media and communication intern, I took photos of all the wines we offer as well as some updated photos of the outside of our building and edited all the photos. Also, I made a January event schedule to post on instagram, posted that, and have been boosting it and replying to comments.