Week 5&6: Personal Evaluation and Development pt.1

When I took this position, I did not expect to have so much freedom to create whatever and whenever I wanted. It is a blessing and a curse. I have complete creative control over all my projects, but that is cursed by the fact that I have no one to hold me accountable but myself and no one to really bounce ideas off of. My supervisor, Victor, is available and willing to help me, but the reason why he hired me is because he doesn’t know how to do it himself. That means I am working through it all by myself.  However, time management, internal motivation, and self-discipline are all areas that I have been wanting to grow in, so this is the perfect environment for those skills to blossom. Luckily, I know I already have a natural eye for design and passion for creating art, so those aspects of myself definitely give me the drive to persevere and learn anything that I don’t know.  While Victor is encouraging, he is not super knowledgeable, so my main source for help, troubleshooting, and inspiration has been my father. My dad has made websites before, so he has been instrumental in the expansion of my web creation knowledge. He has taught me so many things about user experience and coding, and he has provided me with so many resources to create an attractive and user friendly website. Other than that, my classes this semester align perfectly with what I need to know for my internship. In my digital engagement class, we learned about content calendars. I had already made a content calendar of sorts to keep myself on track, but formally learning about them gave me more ideas for ways to stay organized and get my supervisor more involved in what I’m doing for him.


This week at the winery, I edited together a video to post on Facebook and Instagram about "Winter at the Winery". The video explains what Victor's priorities and responsibilities are in the vineyard when everything is dormant. The video highlight pruning specifically.